Meet Counseltron

The AI Student Counsellor

About Counseltron

Counseltron is an AI-powered chatbot designed to provide personalized guidance and support. Built with a custom large language model (LLM), it offers meaningful interactions and intuitive responses to help users navigate their questions and concerns.

Developed as part of the CBSE Intel AI Readiness Program, this project secured 2nd place at the JSSPS Interschool Hackathon, demonstrating the potential of AI in providing accessible counseling support.

Counseltron is an AI chatbot providing personalized guidance using a custom LLM. This award-winning project demonstrates AI's potential in accessible counseling support.




Used to create the chatbot and implement the Large Language Model



Helped make the implementation of Python and CSS easier



Used to build the framework of the site



Made the site aesthetically pleasing

What I Learned

What I Learned from Making Counseltron

  • Gained hands-on experience with AI models, fine-tuning, and integrating them into real-world applications.
  • Improved skills in database management, web development, and optimizing performance using GPU resources.
  • Learned problem-solving, debugging, and creating user-friendly interfaces.

How It Will Help Me

  • Provides a strong foundation for future AI projects and enhances my employability.
  • Builds confidence to tackle complex challenges and innovate in technology fields.

Key learnings include AI model development, database management, and full-stack development. This project provides valuable experience for future innovations in AI and technology.